Kinesiology : Holistic Body Balancing

“Kinesiology, literally the study of body movement, encompasses holistic health disciplines which use gentle muscle testing to monitor information about a person’s well-being. It originated in the 1960’s, combining Western techniques with Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies factors which block the body’s natural healing processes. These dysfunctions are rectified by attention to reflex and acupressure points, the use of specific body movements and nutritional support. Kinesiology can relieve pain, stress, muscular and nervous disorders, detect allergies and nutritional deficiencies, assist with psychological and learning problems, stimulate energies and release untapped potential.” ~ British Parliament Definition


As a holistic therapy, kinesiology looks at the human life as a whole, addressing not only what's going on with the physical body, but also the environment and the psychological state of each individual. It includes muscle-testing and energy-balancing with goal-setting and creative visualization.

A fundamental premise of kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is doing its best to care for itself, but sometimes needs a bit of extra support to achieve this state. (Self Crafted Wellness Point #1 : acknowledge your body). Using manual muscle bio-feedback can determine which stimuli stress the body and how that stress can be decreased.

 What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is natural health care which combines muscle testing with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function. It uses tools that tap into energies that other modalities do not assess. It explores beyond symptoms, without diagnosing or treating named diseases.

The underlying principle of kinesiology is that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that make the body a living, thinking, feeling being. Energy balancing techniques can be used to help clients break patterns that hold them back and achieve targets for a better life, whether in health, athleticism, relationships, learning or any other aspect of living.

 What's a muscle test?

Kinesiology relies on the body's muscle feedback system; our amazing internal communicator that provides instant access into the extraordinarily complex information held by the human self's operating system – aka the subconscious.

Otherwise difficult to access, the subconscious holds all of our memories, the information about physical, emotional and mental states and it also determines our muscle tension. By accessing the bio-system via muscle monitoring, kinesiology can get quite specific and very quickly come up with the right answers.

Muscle tests are applied to identify and correct energy blockages within the body. Gentle muscle monitoring can give insight into the body's patterns to locate imbalances. A "weak" muscle test can indicate a negative effect or input somewhere in the system.

Using the body's own system of assessment bypasses conscious thinking processes to get to the root of an issue, whether emotional, psychological, in the subconscious, or the body or other levels. Working in this way enables the body to clear itself by its own rate and priority.

In this video, founder of the Touch for Health kinesiology system, Dr. John Thie demonstrates a muscle testing session.

[youtube] Why would my energy be blocked?

Stressors such as emotional trauma, nutritional deficiencies, physical sensitivities or allergies, or even living a life that makes you unhappy, can block energy flow within the body.

Often, health problems start with subtle symptoms, which the body compensates for, and therefore easily missed in the early stages. Over time these symptoms change and become more serious, showing up as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalance.

A Wellness perspective is about maintaining the body and self always, rather than reacting to symptoms after they've become a problem. Using kinesiology allows for regular check-ins with your body's energy flow, to assess whether early intervention (change) is necessary before the small problems become big disease.

 What would it look like?

Hollie uses kinesiology techniques alongside other modalities and the Self Crafted Wellness protocol in sessions. Muscle testing may be used to check the efficacy of a proposed treatment element (eg. an ABFE blend), or to identify the underlying attitude causing the person's stress, or to ask the body which Element of Wellness would be the most efficient place to start.

 Are there any side effects?

Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, relying on your body's own communication feedback. It is gentle and compassionate to your wholebody. Hollie uses it first and foremost as a tool for assessment, and also sometimes to help clients balance their system with the 5 point check or 14 point balance.

No side effects have been reported.

Kinesiology should not be thought of as a stand-alone system. It has been designed to be complementary to appropriate professional health care. A person might also benefit from drugs, surgery, vitamins, minerals, psychological counselling, osteopathic, etc., in addition to kinesiology balancing. Try it in a SessionHollie Bakerboljkovac sometimes uses kinesiology and muscle testing in Wellness Sessions when working with people. Take a look at the Session program or phone 0482 955 340.


5 or 14 : Wholebody Balancing


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