Hi, I’m Hollie Wildëthorn and I help people to create a life that sets you free.
My invitation is to people who are searching for the most direct way to live the life you dream of. Self Crafting will take you beyond what you've dreamed, and into more than you ever thought possible.
Support for life's transitions
I provide support for life’s difficulties and transitions. Whatever your struggle, I offer a healing process made from compassionate inquiry, self discovery and purposeful action. Standing beside you at the Threshold. Support to empower you to hold your pain, no matter how impossible it might seem.
I have a background in natural and ancestral health; witchcraft and magick; altered states and sacred space; martial arts and natural movement; home education and offgrid homesteading; Women's Mysteries and conscious Wild Living. My mission is to support people who know there's more to life, to craft the best self-version so far. If you know there's more to life than what's currently on offer, I welcome you to explore the possibilities.
The Institute for Self Crafting is a support hub for people to gather simple and clear information for living your best life.
Self crafting is
1. to create a life that is truly one's own
2. to be the artisan of one's own reality
3. to live an unlimited life of empowered choice
Combining ancestral wisdom with cutting edge science to offer tools that actually work! Working with Self Crafting methods will show you how you can have the life you think only other people can.
Edge walker and renegade rule breaker
I don't use the same cookie cutter approach as everyone else; I’ll share things you never heard before - because you’re unique and we can have a much faster, unlimited and long lasting impact by working with a unique, out of the box approach that's tailored to your life, your time, your place in the world right now.
As someone who's always been on the edges, never fitting in to the mainstream, and not being able to understand why anyone would want to, my work is dedicated to people who are willing to be more than mediocre. Rather than going along with group think and appropriate behaviour; rebellion and renegade action is always my first response. Outsiders, rule breakers and world changers are my kin.
Raised between the dojo and women's circles
Born an only child and raised between the dojo and women’s circles, I grew up with a different point of view of how real women can be the kind of strong that encourages good in the world.
In my early 20s, I had babies, owned a witchcraft store, taught magick, experienced domestic violence, moved my babies into a refuge, almost died from an undiagnosed virus and found my beloved.
In my 30s I moved back to the land, homeschooled my children, lived in a yurt, then a bus, reversed chronic illness, grew a food garden, created a wellness facility, built a Ninja Academy and wrote some books.
Now, in my 40s and after a late-in-life autism diagnosis, I've formulated everything I’ve learned into accessible content for people to take and make your life your own. I’ve got a proven track record over two decades helping people improve their life, through counselling, coaching, ceremony and education. Now I share the systems and structure that enhance individual Rhythm and increase quality of life for immediate impact.
Some background
I have a background in complimentary medicine and dietary health and long, deep experience working in the alternative health and organic food industries. I’ve also spent a lot of time facilitating and educating in the Women’s Mysteries space.
I've taught movement over 3 decades, and participated in physical pursuits including an array of Martial Arts, Weightlifting, Crossfit, corrective exercise and Natural Movement. I'm principal and coach at Motion Ninja Academy. For many years (18+) I've facilitated Women's groups, as a menstrual educator and life-phase transition coach.
I like the term auto-didact to explain my knowledge of evolutionary and circadian biology. I work with Polyvagal-informed therapies, Real Food Therapies, Kinesiology, Brainspotting, The Bars, Australian Bush Flower Essences, acoustic interventions (iLs Focus & iLs SSP), somatic practices and habitual activation techniques. Helping individuals and groups achieve holistic change.
I’ve officially been practising as a Counsellor since 2018, and before that was involved in various activities that had me working psychotherapeutically, mostly with women since the mid 2000s. These days I work with a Psychodynamic Self-Psychotherapeutic framework, incorporating Process Oriented, Relational and Somatic models of therapy with a Transpersonal filter. I have a special interest in neurodiversity and outdoor health and combine the two, working with ND people of all ages, outdoors, with a herd of horses on 100acres. In 2022 I completed the Certificate of Psychedelic Assisted Therapies under the tutelage of Nigel Denning and Tra-ill Dowie.
A kind-of official bio
Hollie Wildëthorn (previously known as Hollie Bakerboljkovac) is an integrative Counsellor and Coach with a lifetime of experience facilitating individuals and groups in physical and emotional wellness. Working in the intersections of trauma healing, neurodiversity, ecology and feminism, she uses counselling and psychotherapy with the Self Crafted Wellness Protocol for wholebody wellness.
She works with the foundational elements of Nutrition, Light, Flow, Movement and Rhythm to address imbalances in physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual health.
Hollie works with people inside and outside the clinic. Inside the clinic includes talk therapy, somatic therapy, parts work and animal assisted therapy. Outside the clinic includes ecotherapy, nature based sessions in Braidwood or with Equine Assistants with the 🐴Herd.
Hollie has previously qualified as a Certified MovNat Trainer, a two-time black belt, and has a Grad. Dip. in Counselling. She is registered as a clinical member with PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia). In 2022 she completed the Certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies 🍄 under the tutelage of Tra-ill Dowie and Nigel Denning. She is in the midst of completing hours and assignments to finalise accreditation with PACFA as a Supervisor for Counsellors / Therapists / Allied Health Professionals.
Right fu#*ing now
There’s not time to waste! No one needs to feel disconnected, isolated or out of reach. We are Renegade, Earthborn, Evulvalutionary, Leaders, and we are here to contribute to a better world.
I believe in magick, intention, and the power of our true, authentic wild Self. My vision is to live in a world that values realationship with our individual optimal Self. Institute for Self Crafting is my offering to the people of the world; the weavers, the dreamers, the sistars, the wondrous ones who have decided to choose to be all they came here to Be.
You're not alone. I’d love to work alongside you to create the life that sets you free, and brings you a bounty more than you ever even imagined possible.
~ Hollie Wildëthorn

The story
I started my first business at age 20. My overall vision as a business woman has always been one of ethical and sustainable business practise, specialising in the sacred and magickal. In the early 2000s I began facilitating groups and teaching workshops about the seasons, magick, the moon and Women's Mysteries. Around that time I was asked to teach at a local night college. I kept that gig going for a while until I opened my own shop (called Lunation Magick and Occult Store upstairs in Garema Place CBR) and taught from there instead. I was 25 years old.
The following ten years was a whirl-wind of deeper awareness and wild heart living. Closing my shop was a Rite of Passage who's effects lasted many years. I moved to the country with my personal super-hero (aka husband), my two children and a couple of cats. In between we lived with the hound of my dreams, who tragically crossed the rainbow bridge in July 2022. We’re now surrounded by a herd of equine assistants, goat herd a flock of unruly chickens, my beloved ducks and Therapy-puppy in training (Sygfa is Dreamer’s granddaughter).
Rhythm of Life
After I closed the store, I began to blog and write more, and this led to finding ways to express my awareness to many people, all over the world. My work has had many reincarnations to be what you find here today. Previously I was known online and in communities as Hollie B., and then my married name Hollie Bakerboljkovac (it's both our names put together). In 2023 I claimed the name I was always born for : Hollie Wildëthorn. I continue to hold face-to-face space for women in many ways, and present at different conferences and festivals throughout Australia.
For many years I've followed the map of the Rhythm of Life, which was originally taught to me via modern Witch Craft, and the work of thea Gaia, as well as my shamanic mentor Geir Fokstuen. I’ve sat with Women's Mysteries teachers like Katherine Cunningham and Jane Hardwicke Collings to gain a deeper understanding of women's cycles, and had many mentors in alternative health, like Joanne Fuller and Tim Thomas. Some of my best psychotherapy teachers have been Ana Barner for Voice Dialogue Parts Work, Merle Conyer for social justice and trauma-informed practice and Sandra Lauffenburger in Psychodynamic Self Psychology. In 2022 I studied the Certificate of Psychedelic Assisted Therapies with Tra-ill Dowie and Nigel Denning, which brought together all the parts of my work from the past two decades. Cycling with this wisdom for so many years has become integral to my being. It is embodied in how I be in the world.
Everything at the Institute for Self Crafting is found as interweaving and overlapping layers on the Rhythm of Life map. I call the map, a map for Self Crafting.
I was ill before I closed my Occult shop, but it took on a new level when in 2009 I was hospitalised with an undiagnosed fever above 40 degrees celsius. At the time I hadn't realised that truly, everything in the natural world could be understood via the Rhythm, instead spending the next few years going from one healing experiment to another, in an attempt to be well.
Eventually, giving up on "The Professionals" who included everyone from the orthodox medical system, all the way through to numerous natural health practitioners and even some woo-woo crazy types, I hit The Threshold (the place of no return, where something must change otherwise live forever in a perpetual death cycle).
I immersed myself into three years of health and wellness study, researching everything I could about evolutionary wellness. This is also becoming commonly known as "Ancestral Health." Becoming my own n=1 experiment, I eventually reversed the chronic illnesses that had plagued me since the time in the hospital in 2009.
Life Informing Work
I discovered a layer of the Rhythm of Life map that none of my mentors had taught before. I wrote a book about it : Self Crafted Wellness Journal which, once the print run ended, became an Expansion Pack on the Self Crafted Life Portal. This layer is called Wellness and it is, undoubtedly the most important layer for humankind. Now, past 40, I am stronger, healthier, happier and more capable than ever before. And I know how to keep I that way.
As a counsellor and coach, I thought I wasn't allowed to teach people about Wellness. Afterall, where did I get my credentials? And then my mentor said, "You ARE your credentials." That was enough to reframe my perspective and open up the pathway for the Self Crafted Wellness work. I know it's some of my best so far!
This page includes ten photos, speaking to maintaining Wellness. It shows how anyone can integrate the Wellness layer into everyday life. It's true that I am blessed to live on a large, pristine property on the edge of the mountains, a choice we made when in response to the Wellness layer. Now, my daily life incorporates everything I need to be well and stay well to an old age.
You can do this too
But you don't have to live on 100 acres to do the same. There's plenty of ways to incorporate the layers of the Rhythm of Life into your own daily practise. You can learn all about it through the Wellness stream of articles, courses and books here, or go off and spend your own 7 years studying for yourself (wink, wink).
Check out the Self Crafted Wellness Bundle of Expansion Packs for all the content you need to radically change your health.
Walking As the Best Form of Exercise
My day begins with a walk. We live in a mountainous patch of bush, in Australia, that was once famous in the gold rush of the 1860s. Our property is covered with rocks dug up by miners, providing #vitamintexture for barefoot walking.
Skoolie Life
We live in a skoolie, and there’s no room for furniture! Although there is a small bench I find myself preparing most food on the floor or outside.
Eat Food that Sings
We eat from our landscape everyday, whether it is something I’ve grown in our garden, or foraged nearby. Autumn is wonderful in our region, with mushrooms in the paddocks and plenty of fruit trees on the roadside.
Dynamic Loads
Our water collection bottle is heavy enough to be a small load, yet light enough for the children to contribute as well. Sometimes water collection will happen with the milk jugs, and I’m constantly carrying water in the garden.
Mountain Cold Water
With the ongoing research into cold thermogenesis, the waterhole is a central part of our life. The mountain water is cold and amazing and this has become my most sacred practice of the day.
Long Aim
Shooting the long bow has a lot of meaning for me around reaching toward my Big Wild Dreams, taking aim and getting closer / more precise each time…
Get Outside
I aim to spend a minimum of four hours outside everyday, and most of this happens in my garden. Yard work includes so many human-appropriate movements, contributing to my Wellness, and my family too.
Dynamic Spaces
I’m always on the floor. I use inside time as dynamic space. Stretching, bending and constant movement is a remedy for boredom, as well as pain into the future.
Living Outside
Our “dining table” is a coffee table from the op-shop, surrounded by mini-boulders that I dug out when building the gardens. The rocks are different shapes, some are unbalanced on the turf, and we move them around for convenience.
make this year your best so far
It is part of my Vision and Mission to reach as many people, in as many ways as possible, because the more people who are making their Big Wild Dreams a reality, the happier the people in the world will be. And that's the kind of world I desire to live in!
I hope that you find something amongst these pages that lights you up, that inspires you, and that helps you create a life that sets you free!