What if you had a Vision Statement?
Updated for 2024
I love the idea of having a Vision Statement that is my check-in point for Being Me, and helps avoid getting wrapped up in everyone else’s points of view about me.
When used for organisations, a Vision Statement differs from a Mission Statement, in that the former usually expresses an organisation’s optimal goal and reason for existence, while a mission statement provides an overview of the group's plans to realise that vision by identifying the service areas, target audience, and values and goals of the organisation.
I am an organisation of trillions of cells named Hollie, and therefore the same definitions work for me :) Today I'm writing about how to create your own Vision Statement. My Planner guides my Mission Statement.
My current Vision Statement :
committed to the embodied experience of support and sustenance… allied to realness and truth for an unbound world…
My current Mission Statement :
I am. Cosmic Woman. Horse Woman. Earth Woman. Priestess of the Sacred Wild. Hedge Witch.
I be. Wisdom Keeper. Renegade. Change maker. Real.
I choose. Awareness and Integrity. Optimal Body. Sacred Space.
I do. Integrative. Education. Empowerment. Abundance Creation.
Fiercely with the Light. The Rhythm Leads.
I use my Vision Statement to check whether invitations will benefit me. For example, “Do you want to go out to listen to music tonight?” which also includes ; stay up late, talk to dick heads, drive home in the dark, lights in the retina after dark, eat out, be tired in the morning… So I check that with my Vision Statement, and it just doesn’t weigh up. Examples include: the musicians are arrogant (not Real), my energy is drained by the dick heads (not Sacred Space), bright light after dark (not Optimal Body), be tired in the morning (not Awareness and Integrity). In this case, the answer is no.
Here’s another example, “Do you want to keep the Circle for a late night Women’s Circle?” which also includes ; stay up late, hanging out with gorgeousness, drive home in the dark, lights in the retina after dark, eat late, be tired in the morning… So I check that with my Vision Statement and the “hanging out with gorgeousness” changes everything. All the layers of authenticity and sacred space in the Moon Circle is enough to outweigh the Optimal Health stuff, so that it’s still totally worth me accepting that invitation. This invitation aligns with my Vision Statement.
I often hear from clients that they wish to be more of the Self, they are just not sure who or what the True Self is for them. Would using a Vision Statement help you to find that?
A Vision Statement is about being clear with where you're choosing to head : knowing your most current purpose. It's about knowing the why about what you do. When we live with intention we can wrap ourselves in the clarity of knowing what life is all about for this time.
A Vision Statement helps you to let go of everything that is not serving your Big Wild Dreams, and allows you move forward with the intention of someone willing to grow. Having a Vision Statement allows you to stick to your targets, remember what you're working toward, and it reminds you that your journey is unique and important.
You can put anything in your Vision Statement, and here is some simple advice to get started.
This is a video from the 40 Day Planner Challenge, where I talk you through creating your Vision…
Step 1:
List your hats : You need to look first at what it is that you're already Doing. What roles do you have in your life? Don't worry about the correct order or whether or not you forget one right now, just jot them down. Who am I? What do I do?
Examples: Mother, Lover, Wife, Artist, Boss, Housewife, Money Maker / Bread Winner, Woman of the World, Student, Daughter....
Step 2 :
Prioritise : Now this is where the work gets a bit more Real. Take your list and put the items in order of what is most important to you. This isn't about what you're supposed to do, or where you have the most responsibility. Really honour your Self by stating which are the most important roles to you. Who do I do what I do for? What do they want or need? How are they changed by what I do?
Example : Artist, Mother, Lover, Woman of the World, Student, Money Maker...
Step 3 :
Make it Simple : This is the time to focus your words. Of course you want to include it all, but the purpose of this exercise is to get back to you. This step is all about finding focus so that you will always have something to refer to in times of doubt. Aim to have no more than five words.
Example : when I Worked my Purpose-full Vision Statement I listed the things that were at the heart and soul of what I do. I made sure these things were the things I most important to me. Some of the other things within my list could be included within these titles, so it helped me to see where I was spreading mySelf too thin, and where I needed to put more energy in, in order to balance. Your list might be something like : Connector, Mother, Lover, Creatrix, Money Maker.
Step 4 :
Make it Real : Take your first item on your list and flesh it out. What does this title mean to you? What does it include? If someone else was speaking about you in that role, what would you want them to say. It doesn't need to be full sentences, just a few words to describe the essence of this work is probably enough. Reflect on what this same role might look like in 30 years, and how it will contribute to the world you desire to live in.
Step 5 :
Do It Real : Now is the time to take aim. Look at your list again and rework all that you have listed in Step 4 into a statement of who you will be in the future. It doesn't need to be flashy, just simple enough to get your point across about who you are and what you want from this life. Be sure to use positive, forward language that supports an even brighter and better future than you have today.
You might want something with direct instruction such as : My Vision is to honour MySelf and my family, to keep a happy home, and to be there for my friends...
It can sometimes feel confusing and overwhelming to clarify your Vision in a way that feels meaningful.
I offer Vision Clarity Call Sessions, where you can spend 45 minutes with me to comb out your big scope and have a clearer concept of what you wish to create in the world.
Go forth and Move Mountains!
Now you can use this purpose-full Vision Statement to hold yourSelf accountable and inspire the best possibilities for you. Pin it up somewhere that you will be able to see it regularly, not simply so that you can refer to it regularly, but also so that it can work as an affirmation that becomes a part of you.
You may find it helpful to revisit your Vision Statement once a year, to ensure that your Vision is still in relationship with your actions. Write it in your Planner so you've always got it nearby.
Refer to it as often as you can until honouring you becomes a part of your daily practise.
A purpose-full Vision is also a Statement to the world of who you plan to become. Even if your list is not yet what you have been doing, You now have the opportunity to start Doing it. And there is no one to stand in your way!
Let me know how you go!
Will you post your own Vision Statement to socials with the #lunationannualplanner ? Or email it to us and we will share as part of our ongoing Mission to have 1 million women clarifying their Vision…
May all of your Big Wild Dreams come true!