Distractions for Anxiety, Addiction and other complex (obsessive) disorders...

Often, when I sit with people, we talk about the need to find other things for a nervous system to bring attention to. This is particularly for people who find themselves “stuck in a loop” / hypervigilant to 'the tiger at the window'. 

The tiger at the window can be any stressor, including cravings, that continually takes your brain and attention to something that's perhaps not as positive or nurturing as other things could be. 

Sometimes, it's helpful to have a 'distraction' for your brain to focus on, that will drive momentum to the productive and nourishing results you're really seeking, rather than the overwhelm of stress you're currently peaking on. 

What Distraction is Not

A key part of the this type of self distraction is the word, "temporarily." Distraction is not about trying to escape or avoid a feeling. With distraction, it is suspected that you eventually will return to the feeling or thought you were having. You're simply creating some space to take a break from it, for now. Once the intensity has reduced, you will probably use other strategies to deal with the situation.

Distraction is useful for keeping you safe and un-fragmented in the moment, and prevents behaviours that may be more detrimental to your overall plan for healing/wholeness. If you're unsure of when it's appropriate to use distraction, talk to me about it some more...

TRy some

Here's a list of distractions you can use to change focus and drive momentum to where you really want to go... 

  1. Instead of going straight to the 'problem behaviour', take some time to Roll (#11 in the Self Crafted Wellness Protocol) your entire body and stretch from head to toe!

  2. Make a cuppa and sit in a position where your eyes can expand out to the horizon (peripheral, relaxed vision).

  3. Paint your nails, do a facial or look up some face yoga on youtube and focus on yourself for a while... 

  4. Head to Spotify and add some songs to your Emergency Joy Playlist, or download some new songs to add to your workout playlist... 

  5. Call a friend and catch up with someone you haven't spoken with in a while. If being verbal is too much right now, write a letter on paper to send in the post.   

  6. Take a walk - notice the rhythm of your steps and bring your breath online (3in6out). This supports your nervous system to regulate and lets your body know there's nothing to be scared of (because you're not running from the tiger). 

  7. Head to your Streaming Service and watch one of your go-to shows/movies. 

  8.  Get out the old photo albums and take a trip down memory lane - notice the people and times that were enjoyable... (don't use this one if your photos are littered with activating moments from your past).

  9. If you want to visit Socials, decide what you're going to look at before you get there. For example, are you going to look up a few people in particular who inspire you with their content? 

  10. Sing a Melodic Mantra... this is just like an affirmation that you say to yourself, but you sing it with a tempo and rhythm that regulates your nervous system (a lullaby/nursery rhyme rhythm). You can add tapping to the rhythm to keep your focus and attention.  

  11. Have a comfortable and soothing space where you can go to zone out and relax your sensory nerves. It's like a chill-out space. Create this space with texture and feels you know are soothing to you. You might add a candle, a nice book, or noise cancelling headphones, a blanket, and any other props that bring immediate relax vibes. 

  12. Revisit your Vision Statement or go that extra creative step and work on some Creative Transformative Processes (especially check out Soul Cards in that course). 

  13. If shopping is a thing for you, go online and purchase a gift for the next person you'll want a gift for - eg. your mum's birthday... This is intentional... you're not buying for you, you're gifting for someone else.

  14. Go try on all of the clothes in your closet. See what fits, what doesn’t and clean out anything you haven’t worn in a year. Or at least try everything on that you love the feel of...

  15. Pick up one of the books on your to-read pile... I know you've got at least one of those piles! 

  16. Count backwards from a large number by sevens or some other number (for     example, 856, 849, 842, 835, etc.).

  17.  Choose something that's tricky - like a game of sudoku, or a crossword, or one of those little toys where you have to get the ball through the tiny gap...

  18.  Bring your attention to the room or space you're in. Name objects you can see, or look for things of a certain colour. You can add complexity y memorising things you can see or have seen...

  19. Do the jobs around your house that you've been putting off - like that drawer you've been avoiding...

If you have another idea that works for you in this purpose-full distraction space, it can help others to hear about your ideas. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments. 

I share other resources for working with anxiety and addiction on the Self Crafted Life Platform.

Hollie Wildëthorn

I’m Hollie Wildëthorn and I help people to create a life that sets you free.

My invitation is to people who are searching for the most direct way to live the life you dream of. Self Crafting will take you beyond what you’ve dreamed, and into more than you ever thought possible. The Institute for Self Crafting is a support hub for people to gather simple and clear information for living your best life.

Support for life’s transitions

I provide support for life’s difficulties and transitions. Whatever your struggle, I offer a healing process made of compassionate inquiry, self discovery and purposeful action. Equipping you with tools and strategies to alleviate the pain and empower new ways of being.

Self crafting is

1. to create a life that is truly one’s own
2. to be the artisan of one’s own reality
3. to live an unlimited life of empowered choice…



Navigating Different Relationships: Friends, Partners, and Therapists


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