Match Your Heart

Are you doing a whole lotta "keep everyone else happy" to the detriment of your own needs? Self Care means giving 51% to yourself, so that the rest of the world can have your full 49% of awesome. If you're not keeping your own cup full, how can you possibly give anything of worth to anyone else?

Do you have a Vision Statement? Creating a statement allows you to be in awareness of what you desire to create in the world. Knowing your own Vision means that you will always have light in even the darkest / busiest times, and your choices are more likely to reflect that which matters most to you.

Having a Vision means that you have more possibilities for authentically designing your life around meeting your own desires. This design, including any to-do lists and responsibilities forms your Mission Statement. I say my Lunation Annual Planner (which I use everyday, at least fifty times a day) is my Mission Statement becomes it directs and aligns my outer world with my inner world. When you plan your have-tos to meet your desire-tos, magick happens. You will find yourself showing up exactly how and when you wish to, contributing from your Truth every time.

When your outer world reflects your inner world, your ability to be your authentic self is so much easier.

What could you do to create your world in a way that matches your vision?

In the May challenge of the Self Crafting Year Book, I've listed a few things that could allow your outer world to meet with your inner desires. They include reducing clutter in order to make space for You; decorating your space with things that speak to your Vision, as a reminder of who you are and where you are going; and filling your fridge with delicious food that makes your body sing. These are just a few ideas for matching your outer world to your inner heart.

Find out what brings you joy, and use it to funnel a stream of ongoing joy throughout your everyday life.

Here's some examples from my life :

  • My Garden : spending time every day in my garden not only contributes to my family's health and wellbeing, it also meets ticks off many of the 52 points of wellness, that contribute to my Wellness. I get to play with plants and dirt and flowers, and watch chickens and pick berries and...
  • My book collection : I collect Peace inspired storybooks, even though my children are all grown up. It brings me joy and one day I'll create content around the very best children's books for peace... .

It turns out, that by adding something so enjoyable to my already busy schedule, I actually feel as though I've created more space in my life, not taken any away.

What could you do in the world today that would allow you to contribute to your heart and Vision?

If you would like more inspiration for creating a life that sets you free, be sure to sign up to my newsletter. And for help in creating your own Mission Statement blueprint, check out the resources from the Lunation Annual Planner and Self Crafting Year Book.



International R.E.b.E.L. Day


Prioritise your Big Wild Dreams